About Awareness Healing
Hello. Welcome to Awareness Healing. My name is Dean Galati.
Awareness Healing was created about ten years ago. During this time, my therapy has grown and evolved. It’s been a rewarding journey. Thank you for your interest in reading about us.
the past
The Sum of Me
Since I was a child, my need to help others has been a natural thing for me. At first, I was a people pleaser who needed to win over the affections of others. I didn’t have a healthy esteem.
When I grew up, that changed dramatically. I turned something I become so good at into gold. Even though attending to others was conditional, the shift of healing transformed into giving without conditions.
What changed? I learned to respect myself. What I’ve discovered now is the ability to learn to love humanity.

the present
Enjoying the Journey
Throughout my life, I have always found great joy in helping others. As far as I can remember, helping people was an integral part of my being. Through deep introspection, we can shift from a place of despair into self-empowerment and deeper knowing. I developed a deeper understanding of my inner world propelling me forward with joy and peace. When I experienced these shifts, it brought on profound states of awareness. Once we see the big picture, we become aware that our lives are an amazing journey of creativity and adventure.
It takes a great deal of energy and hard work to tame the ego. It’s been a painful road to healing but it’s been worth it. Working with the shadow isn’t easy. The subconscious mind is very powerful.
In these ever-changing times, we are all experiencing a great renaissance of creativity, truth, self-empowerment, and moving into a vibration of love and human adulthood.
the future
What's on the Horizon
I hold this journey of helping others so dearly and deeply within my heart. Hopefully, we all find peace in moving forward and discovering who we are and why we are here on this magnificent planet. There are many realities beyond our earthly reality that scientists are now discovering. String theory, Quantum Physics, and the study of consciousness are now propelling our species into a higher understanding of our nature. Who and what are we? Why are we here? What potential do we have?
Experiencing profound levels of expansion and growth, I now enjoy walking this path in helping others to rediscover themselves through self-awareness, grace, and higher knowing.