Hypnotherapy and NLP Central Coast
Rewiring Neuro-pathways in the brain for changing habitual patterns and processing physiological symptoms of trauma
• Looking for Hypnosis and NLP for change?
• Rewiring neural pathways in the brain.
• Would you like to eliminate Bad Habits?

Hypnosis and NLP
How Hypnosis & NLP can work for you
Hypnotherapy Central Coast is the application of altered states of consciousness, or trance, for a therapeutic endpoint. Relaxation and deep focus are something we’ve all experienced before. Hypnotherapy Central Coast can help. Hypnotic Trance is a natural state of focus without analytical thought. Hypnotherapy and NLP are effective for anxiety, phobias, trauma, PTSD, anger, insomnia, self esteem, and confidence. Hypnotherapists Central Coast are committed to working with these issues.
People are not treated by hypnosis but rather in hypnosis. Every day, we shift into hypnotic states of trance. In a trance, our perceptions of time seem to distort, appearing shorter or longer.
Hypnotherapy Central Coast will help you understand what Hypnosis is at a scientific level. When we read a book, watch a movie or daydream, we become focused and absorbed into a state, feeling, or memory within the unconscious mind. In this state, we can access our unconscious mind and re-program it for our well-being.
Think of the unconscious as a software program on a computer. A computer technician can change the software just like a Hypnotherapy and NLP practitioner can reframe the language of the unconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is always very safe and isn’t as hocus-pocus as we have been led to believe. Relaxing the mind accesses the ‘Theta State’, where the unconscious mind can be accessed.
Neuroscientists have backed up Hypnotherapy and Meditation as an effective way to alter the brain’s neuron activity, to bring on relaxation, and to strengthen memory, clarity, and confidence. This process also re-wires the neuro connections in the brain associated with patterns such as anxiety, phobias, trauma, habits, negative thoughts, and feeling states.
the therapies
What is Hypnotherapy and NLP used for
What is Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP?
Hypnotherapy is a natural state of focus
Hypnotherapy Central Coast Therapy is about inducing a state of relaxation, where we enter a deep subconscious awareness. Positive suggestions are given directly to the part of the mind known as the subconscious. Under Hypnosis, the conscious rational, analytical, and judgemental part of the mind is temporarily bypassed and asked to step aside. Hypnotherapists Central Coast are trained in this area.
The conscious analytical mind then observes allowing the subconscious part, which influences mental and physical functions to take the lead making this part receptive to change. During the trance state, there is focused concentration increasing the potential for changing limiting beliefs, phobias, anxiety, behaviours, and gaining insight and wisdom. The creative resources of the unconscious mind can be transformed to reframe new perceptions. Creativity and resourceful choices are given to the unconscious, allowing this part of your mind to make the desired change. Hypnotherapy Central Coast is very effective.
Hypnotherapy Central Coast can be light, medium, or deep, a medium trance is usually very effective. Anxiety, phobias, trauma, PTSD, anger, insomnia, self esteem, and confidence are just some of the issues hypnotherapy can heal. Deep breathing slows down the heart rate, where the brain produces Alpha and Theta waves. Normal states of consciousness i.e. sleeping, dreaming, being awake, can be detected in the wave patterns by the brain. The state of hypnosis differs from all three. The brain waves associated with quiet, receptive states are called Alpha and Theta waves. In Delta sleep, the Theta wave states promote gradual relaxation and healing at the cellular and DNA levels within the cellular structures in the body. Hypnotherapy Central Coast can help.
How Hypnotherapy and NLP affects the mind
Hypnotherapy Central Coast, self-hypnosis can easily be achieved under the guidance of a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. In no time, you will be able to achieve it on your own. Meditation and Self-hypnosis are very much the same thing. Daily Meditation or Self-hypnosis can change your connection with your inner world and the world around you.
Hypnotherapy Central Coast can desensitise anxiety, phobias, trauma, PTSD, anger, insomnia, self esteem, and confidence issues, promoting mental, emotional, and physical relaxation. Research shows that when people are in a hypnotic state, the brain processes information differently. It gives us access to the powerful and personal resources we all have in our subconscious mind.
When we access this Theta brain wave in a relaxed state, our mind shifts from the overly used limbic (emotional brain) and Cerebellum (flight and flight reaction) brain and shifts the brain into the Cerebrum brain, which is associated with the higher human mind, higher thinking, and problem-solving.
For people who want to try another therapy, try Counselling Therapy. For more information, please visit…

Understanding Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s. Its creators claim a connection between the neurological processes (‘Neuro’), language (‘linguistic’), and behavioral patterns learned through experience (‘programming’) and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life. Linguistics refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your mind.
Suggestion and Timeline Hypnotherapy
Suggestion Hypnotherapy and NLP is the process of using suggestions, metaphors, and visualisations to transform belief systems within the unconscious mind. The client is encouraged to use all their senses and be creative when experiencing their session. Some people may be more visual, and the practitioner may use visual language for better results.
A suggestion is a psychological process by which one person influences the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of another with mutual consent and respect. Most people use more than one representative system of the five senses. Guiding the client from the past tense to the present allows a positive shift, and resolves the past traumas, creating a better future.
The five senses used in therapy:
Visualization (Eyes)
Auditory (Hearing)
Smell (Scent)
Taste (Taste)
Touch (Feeling and Physical Sensation associated with space as ‘Kinaesthetic’)
Some people are ‘Synaesthetic‘, which means they use all five senses. Most people use at least Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic, commonly known as ‘VAK‘. The more senses you use, the more powerful the change can be within the unconscious mind. Metaphoric storytelling is powerfully used to reframe the unconscious framework of the deeper mind. It can activate all the senses and make the experience as powerful as possible so the client can make powerful changes.
For more information about NLP, please CLICK HERE
check for your health fund coverage
Private Health Funds Rebates for Hypnosis
Currently, several private health funds provide rebates for Hypnotherapy Central Coast. If you belong to a private health fund, we recommend checking with your fund regarding your eligibility to claim Hypnotherapy. Some health funds do not cover hypnotherapy at all and some only rebate the services of a registered Psychologist.
The practitioner is a member of the ‘ASCH Association’ and affiliated with some private health funds. As there are many health funds with varying levels of coverage, we cannot know whether you can claim or not, so we encourage you to check with your fund. We will provide you with a health fund receipt at the end of your session. You can then make your claim directly.
Please read carefully before booking your session
Therapy cannot be facilitated if you have the following conditions:
• Schizophrenia
• Bipolar Disorder
• Borderline Personality Disorder
• Multiple Personality Disorder
• Epilepsy (Can’t work on trauma)
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a Personality Disorder not listed above, please contact the therapist first before booking.
Therapies Dean does not work with:
• Drug and Alcohol Abuse
• Quitting Cigarettes
• Extreme Sexual abuse as a child