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Effective Hypnotherapy, Counselling and Reiki Central Coast and Sydney

My name is Dean Galati… Hypnotherapy is my specialty

Practicing as a Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Counsellor, Past Life Regressionist, and Reiki Healer 

Awareness Healing on the Central Coast and Sydney offers a peaceful and beautiful clinic. The Therapies we offer are Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Counselling, and Reiki Healing. Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Regression are offered in Sydney and the Central Coast. Our Central Coast and Sydney clinics are beautifully appointed to create a peaceful therapeutic ambiance. I have made great progress in getting people relaxed in these spaces.

What does Dean offer in Hypnotherapy?

Our peaceful clinic offers a non-judgemental and safe space for effective healing. Dean, the Hypnotherapist will use Analytical Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Suggestion Therapy, Counselling, Energy Healing, and Timeline Regression. These therapies can transform your life. Our Hypnotherapist will help you make sense of your issues, find solutions, and help resolve challenges within the unconscious mind. 

Dean has built a reliable reputation as a Hypnosis Therapist

Facilitating Hypnotherapy for the following:

Trauma, stress, PTSD, relationship therapy, fears, phobias, weight loss, energy healing, authentic self, grief and loss, neurological disorders, anger management, pain management, self esteem and confidence, insomnia, illness recovery, anxiety , and many others.

Hypnotherapy on the Central Coast and Sydney is a perfect place to start your healing journey 

Exploring  the inner landscapes of our mind is a powerful and effective way to explore aspects of our true selves. Trance is used to access this unconscious hidden mind. When accessed, it can be merged with the conscious mind as awareness. Hypnotherapy, Holistic Counselling, and Reiki Healing are not a ‘Journey of Discovery’ but a ‘Journey of Rediscovery’.

It’s a journey of uncovering our inner nature and all its resourceful states of wisdom. During challenging times, we always rediscover who we are. As we break away from society’s expectations of who we must represent, we return to that identity of who we truly are. Imagination and creativity are the key processes of exploring our inner individuality.

And through this process, we can overcome the things that keep us from blossoming and evolving. Please explore my site for the information you need. It may educate, inform, and enlighten your curiosity.

Our Therapies

EMDR for Trauma Therapy

Panic attacks | PTSD | Phobias | Stress | Anxiety | Past Traumas

Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming

Anxiety | Low Self Esteem | Phobias & Fears | Insomnia | Motivation

Holistic Counselling Therapy

Relationships | Abandonment | Grief and Loss | Loneliness | Identity Issues

Past Life Regression Therapy

Anxiety & Trauma | Relationships | Phobias | Illness & Disease  | Chronic Pain 

Life Between Lives Regression Therapy

Life Purpose | Spiritual Mission | Soul Groups | Spiritual Elders | Soul Contracts

Reiki Energy Healing Therapy

Self-Healing | Childhood Trauma | Ancestral Trauma | Better Sleep | Deep Relaxation

Central Coast and Sydney Hypnotherapy Clinics

Past Life Regression

Ettalong Beach, Central Coast

This is my Central Coast clinic which is appointed with relaxing plants and comfortable decor. The space is very calming and provides a peaceful space for anyone who needs a safe space for healing. There is parking in front of the house for anyone who drives up for the day.

If you’re catching the train to the Central Coast, I can pick you up from Woy Woy station. No hassles. Ettalong Beach is a beautiful quiet and peaceful beachside town. The area provides a tranquil place for healing. It’s a calm place to visit for the day.


Petersham, Sydney

My Sydney clinic is in a peaceful space near a park in Petersham, the Inner West of Sydney. The clinic is newly appointed with modern feature comforts including air conditioning, clean rooms, and comfortable chairs.

The therapy spaces are beautifully peaceful and quiet. There is plenty of parking all around the clinic. The reception space is very calming and tranquil.

Petersham is very central between the north, south, east, and west of Sydney. Plenty of buses along Stanmore Road and a short walk to the train station.

Starting your Hypnotherapy healing journey can be challenging

Our Hypnotherapist is here to help and start you on your transformational healing journey

It’s understandable if you’re  hesitant to start the therapy process. You are just protecting yourself. I can assure you, the Hypnotherapist will guide you through the therapy. Anything new can be uncomfortable in the beginning. The idea is to build a healthy and trusting rapport with the therapist.

Especially with trauma work, it’s important to feel safe. We will go through the healing journey together, so you feel comfortable. We will work together to recover, reframe , and reawaken your life. You will begin to feel empowered, and safe, in a non-judgmental space. 

We will start very slowly so you can feel comfortable. Each person is on their unique healing journey. The therapist will guide you through courage and surrender and into a healing place of peace and harmony. 

How long does the Hypnotherapy go for?

Depending on each person, 3 to 6 Hypnotherapy sessions are required

Usually, the therapy process journey is about a minimum of six sessions. Everyone’s issues are unique, and every treatment is different. Some people might need three sessions and others need more than six sessions. If you have a complex history of trauma, it may take longer to heal. It all depends on the issues and the intensity of the causes.

What is known is that you deserve to feel free and relieved from your issues. The truth is that real change is hard work, and it takes time. If you commit to your therapy, you will see amazing results unfold. 

Private Health Fund Rebates for Clinical Hypnotherapy


Please check with your private fund if you’re covered for Clinical Hypnotherapy as an extra cover. Not all funds cover Hypnotherapy.

Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP is Association and Industry accredited

Association Membership

The practitioner is a member of a Hypnotherapists’ association,‘Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists’. The practitioner adheres to the highest industry standards. All training is government-accredited.

Counselling Therapy is also offered Online

I offer ONLINE sessions for Counselling Sessions. You can access the benefits of Counselling sessions while staying in the comfort and safety of your home. Hypnotherapy and Reiki cannot be facilitated ONLINE,  only facilitated FACE to FACE. GOOGLE MEET will be used for the sessions. You only need Google on your computer.

I will send you a Google Calendar email for your sessions containing a link to join the video. All you need to do is click the link and the video conference will begin. If you have started the video before I have, wait and I will enter the meeting.

Please call us to book your session

• No sessions can be booked without a phone call.
• Over the phone, we will discuss your reasons for seeking therapy, challenges, and goals.
• We will discuss your mental health status and the cost of your therapy.
• We will then book your appointment.
• You will then receive a form to fill out via email. Please email the forms back to us.
• Finally, you will need to pay your deposit by bank transfer.
• The bank account details will be in the email sent to you.

CALL NOW for a FREE NO OBLIGATION phone consultation on 0438 519 034

What people have said


Past Life Regression and Counselling

“Dean has a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of counselling, spirituality and regression therapy, and he combines these skills in order to facilitate a profound and meaningful past life regression. I found him to be such an authentic and passionate gentleman, who ensures the experience is equal parts comfortable and highly transformative. His process and line of questioning is modelled off the greats like Dr Brian Weiss and Dr Michael Newton and is extraordinarily effective in accessing spiritual insight into the residual fears and anxieties carried over from past lives. What is most important though, is that Dean dedicates great care and attention towards healing these and clearing them from your sub conscience. Thank you so very much for such a powerful experience. 5 stars“. 

Shannon Mulder

Past Life Regression

“I was able to uncover something that I didn’t know about myself, this experience will definitely help with my journey to self healing, thanks Dean”. 

Kinuthia Wamwangi

Past Life Regression

“I was going through a tough period in my life and I thought past life regression would help me understand or at least bring some clarity into my troubled life. From the very first time I have spoken to Dean on the phone, his voice and calmness made me feel at easy almost immediately. Dean guided me through the life regression in an amazing manner, it has been a life changing experience all my fear disappeared slowly after the regression and my life has never been better since then. I would highly recommend it to anyone, just an amazing experience”. 

Paolo Coppotelli

Our two clinics

  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach
  • Petersham, Sydney

How do I pay for my deposit

Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12359060

How do I pay for my sessions

Payment can be made as a credit card transaction using Square at the session. All payments have a 1.9% transaction fee. Alternatively, you can bank transfer or bring cash to the session. 

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