Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing Central Coast and Sydney

Traditional Japanese Reiki Healer /
The ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho’

• Looking for an experienced Reiki Healer?
• Are you looking to re-balance your energy field?
• Do you require the healing of an energy healer?
• Would you like to release emotional blockages?
• Rediscover your true authentic self.

0438 519 034

An intuitive Reiki Healer in a clean healing space

I’m a Reiki Energy Healer on the Central Coast and Sydney who has trained with the Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique. ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho’ is the traditional Teaching of Reiki originated from Eastern Buddhism. Usui Shiki Ryoho (the Usui System of Natural Healing), is a Japanese Healing Art and is now practiced in the West. A Reiki practitioner is trained to induce deep relaxation in a patient, reduce stress, and promote greater self-healing in the body.

Reiki Healing is the process of ‘laying our hands’ on the body enabling the universal unseen ‘life force energy’ to flow through us to heal the body from discomfort. Emotional distress or anxiety can be healed effectively. If our ‘life force energy’ is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed, if it is high, we are more capable of feeling happy and healthy.

Reiki Healing and Its Effectiveness

Deep in our body and organs is the unconscious mind, responsible for restoring the inner health within the body. The unconscious mind regulates the functions of the immune system and breathing when we are asleep. The outer skin is our ego-self which is the part we need to heal. As we move deeper within the flesh into the inner unconscious mind, the practitioner will use their hands to transmute fragmented energy into healing energy.

Allowing the client’s inner wisdom deep within to heal the person’s conflicts. It is said that Reiki can heal one’s ‘True Self’. Reiki is the process of bringing in clean life force energy to heal the body. The healed inner self is then projected outwards. This healing system is the process of rediscovering the ‘True Self’ deep within us.

PLEASE NOTE: Reiki is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.

Reiki Healing is Universal energy and information

Reiki Healers can harness the energy that promotes healing within the body. The Universal energy (energy of the ‘Absolute’) of creation is harnessed to help awaken the inner healing wisdom within the deep unconscious mind. Moving inwards into the self, we can heal limiting beliefs and conflicts. The development of the authentic self is promoted as we integrate these inner learnings of who we are to the surface. We will eventually shine these inner gifts outwards into the world as wisdom.

To know thyself is to know ‘God’. This is not to say that we are ‘God’, but we are reflective individual sparks and expressions of God. This part of us wants to express itself without conflict and delusion. Nature is harmonious and orderly and will not change its laws to suit our own selfish needs. For us to be truly at peace, we need to move with the flow of nature and its laws.

Reiki Healing and Cellular memory

Reiki Healers can heal their bodies with great practice. There can be trauma from ancestral influences and conflicts that we carry from the past, genetically. This universal energy can transmute these negative imprints deep within the cells and DNA. The client will find the answers of truth and clarity deep within.

Our ancestral lineage can carry inherited trauma and limiting beliefs within the cells. Cell healing can release limiting beliefs that have shaped our lineage for centuries. Sound vibrations and music are very effective in clearing these imprints.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is about re-discovering the ‘True Self’

The Inner Light Within

Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki can treat the whole person including the body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results.

The healing of an energy healer is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Reiki Healing and the path to enlightenment

Reiki Healing Central Coast is a modality that teaches us how to embrace our lives in a way that has direction and purpose. And lead to spiritual enlightenment. This practice allows us to access our sense of self to increase mental stability.

Our Reiki Healer recommends you incorporate these elements into daily meditation sessions. By living completely in the present, we can access a state of awareness where the illusion of the past and future is dissolved. In the present moment, we can appreciate what life is offering to us and we can fully embrace living as it happens.

The five precepts for finding enlightenment practiced each day

A Reiki Healer can also show you how these modalities work for healing. As you ponder these precepts, you will discover the casual origins of your conditions.

Eliminate anger with Reiki Healing

Anger is an emotion that can destroy our minds and sets us up for failure. Because this feeling is a conscious choice, we can opt to simply not to be angry. Reiki Healing at our Central Coast clinic can assist you in activating this mode of thinking, enabling you to empower your ability to be calm.

Eliminate worry

Whether it’s a fear of the future or the unknown, worry can plague us from time to time. This feeling achieves nothing and is almost always a burden to us. We must learn to let go of worry and get on with life. Energy healing can help you do this, and our Central Coast Reiki Healer can provide you with this practice. Worry steals away our ability to enjoy the present moment.

Appreciate your family and mentors

You should be able to appreciate everyone in your life, no matter how big or small their role is. Every person in our lives is considered a “teacher”, from whom we have learned profound lessons. By opting for this mode of thinking, you can continue to evolve your soul and further develop your sense of self. Reiki Healing on the Central Coast will help you communicate more effectively with them.

Reiki Healing is about accessing an honest approach to life

It’s hard to understand what we are here to do in life. To be able to work honestly, we must be honest with who we are. To develop our authentic selves, Reiki will enable us to discover our truest potential.

Demonstrate gratitude toward everything

Learn to appreciate the beauty and value of all living things surrounding you, and give thanks for these blessings. Become more aware that all living things are a part of you and you are a part of them. Everything is a part of the universal source. By being kind to all creatures, plants, and Mother Earth, you are essentially being kind to yourself. Reiki Healing will help you develop gratitude, raising your consciousness to connect to all that is living and alive.

For further reading about Reiki, you can visit this site.

The benefits of Reiki Healing

Energy healing is independent and offers a safe support system for complementary traditional and Western medicine. Reiki can be used with other medical practices; and promote well-being and your body’s healing ability. Positive outcomes include:

• Healing limiting beliefs and childhood traumas
• Heals ancestral trauma within cells and DNA
• Helping the healing of illnesses
• Better Sleep from Insomnia
• Reduce blood pressure and stress
• Cleansing of the body’s toxins
• Assistance with headaches, asthma, injuries
• Removal of energy blockages
• Elimination of pain
• Better immune system functions
• Increased vitality
• Raised vibrational frequencies throughout the body
Spiritual growth and emotional cleansing

Life Between Lives Regression

What you could feel after a Reiki Healing

Reiki can offer a wide range of benefits. However, some clients may experience a mild detox after engaging in this energy-healing session, while others may experience heavier effects. Here are some symptoms you may experience after a Reiki session:

Increased bowel movements
Cold or flu symptoms, running noses
Headaches and Fever
Feeling tired and a lack of sleep

This is a natural part of shifting blocked energies associated with emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical distress. The body’s energies are detoxifying and readjusting. These symptoms usually fade within 24 to 48 hours. Please drink lots of water, ground yourself in nature, getting plenty of rest after the session.

Reiki Healing and detoxing

A ‘Healing Reaction’ indicates that the body is detoxifying in preparation for healing. Each person responds to treatment differently. When experiencing a ‘Healing Crisis’, it is necessary to carry out a treatment of several sessions. Discomfort can surface as confusion, anger, and other emotions. This means the client is releasing and healing deep within themselves. Reiki cannot cause harm to the receiver or the practitioner.

The flow of Reiki energy through the physical and subtle bodies encourages the gradual release of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual “toxins”. These toxins have made their way into the cellular memory and built up in the energy system over time. Toxic build-up is the result of past experiences such as injuries, illnesses, and traumatic events.

Symptoms are more likely to manifest if the client:

• has not received healing treatments previously.

• suffers from a chronic condition occurring more than 3 weeks.

• experiences a chronic high level of stress.

• suffers from post-traumatic stress.

Please read before your session

No sessions can be booked without a phone consultation.

• Please wear comfortable clothes.

• Make sure you leave plenty of time for the session.

• Be clear about what you would like to work on.

• Eat well, but light before you come in.

• Please avoid alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulating substances.

Please download before your session

CALL NOW for a FREE NO OBLIGATION phone consultation on 0438 519 034

Our two clinics

  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach
  • Petersham, Sydney

How do I pay for my deposit

Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12359060

How do I pay for my sessions

Payment can be made as a credit card transaction using Square at the session. All payments have a 1.9% transaction fee. Alternatively, you can bank transfer or bring cash to the session. 

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