
About Awareness Healing

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Hello. Welcome to Awareness Healing. My name is Dean Galati.

Awareness Healing was created about ten years ago. During this time, my therapy modalities have grown and developed, offering beautiful clinical and spiritual therapies. What is offered here not only caters to people who require clinical and practicaltherapy but is also suitable for people who are seeking spiritual therapies. I am also an intuitive which means that I can perceive things beyond the five senses. I’m a member of the‘Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapist’which is a reputable Hypnotherapists’ Association and supervised by a qualified Hypnotherapist. 

My Journey of Healing

Hypnotherapy and NLP  is a very complementary approach to therapy which can also be used as a primary therapy for healing. It has been scientifically tested to prove its effectiveness in treating many ailments; psychologically, neurologically, and physiologically.  

CounsellingTherapy is offered holistically. Counselling is offered as a person-centred approach allowing the client to feel that they are being heard. When working with a Counsellor, it’s important to build a healthy and comfortable rapport with them. It’s comforting to know that you can experience effective healing with a therapist who can understand your needs without any judgment. 

I have been very blessed that Reiki found me so many years ago. Since I was attuned, my intuitive abilities have developed more and more each day. I have completed Levels 1 and 2. Reiki Healing is a process that takes many years to develop. 

Past Life Regression was the first thing I explored many years ago. I was always interested in ‘Past Lives’ and the afterlife even as a child. I have experienced a few past life sessions in the past. What I discovered was an understanding of my soul’s blueprint. Now I can help others do the same, to find meaning and purpose in life so you can discover your life’s mission. It’s very empowering. 

Counselling about

This is where I am now

Throughout my life, I have always found great joy in helping others. As far as I can remember, helping people was an integral part of my being. I have created these gentle therapies for my clients which involves deep introspection and reflection. Through deep introspection, we can shift from a place of despair into a place of self-empowerment and deeper knowing. Developing a deeper understanding of our inner world allows us to move forward with joy and clarity. I managed to have these profound experiences myself, bringing on profound shifts of awareness. Once we see the big picture, we become aware that our lives are an amazing journey of creativity and adventure.

When I experienced my own Hypnotherapy sessions, I was able to explore why I chose this life and what path to follow. Allowing the realisations of limiting ego and delusion and transforming them into  wisdom and  awareness alchemically.

The subconscious mind is very powerful. Practicing as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, and Reiki Healer, I’m able to facilitate relaxation allowing effective change within the unconscious mind. As a Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, I will help you connect with your inner self, and integrate these aspects into your human experience. In these ever-changing times, we are all experiencing a great renaissance of creativity, truth, self-empowerment, and moving into a vibration of love and human adulthood.

Where we go from here

I hold this journey of helping others so dearly and deeply within my heart. Finding peace in moving forward and discovering who we are and why we are here on this magnificent planet. There are many realities beyond our earthly reality that scientists are now discovering. String theory, Quantum Physics, and the study of consciousness are now propelling our species into a higher understanding of our nature. Who and what are we? Why are we here? What potential do we have?

Experiencing profound levels of expansion and growth, I now enjoy walking this path in helping others to rediscover themselves through self-awareness, grace, and higher knowing.

My Credentials and Qualifications

Clover Institute

Hypnotherapy & NLP (Diploma)


Clover Institute

Conversational Hypnotherapy


Clover Institute

Counselling Therapy (Diploma)



Past Life Regression (Certificate)


Inner Fulfilment Pty Ltd

Between Lives Spiritual Regression 


Int. House of Reiki

Reiki Healing Therapy (Level 1 and 2)


The Crown Chakra

Psychic and Intuitive Development


Sydney Buddhist Centre

Mindfulness and Buddhism


CALL NOW for a FREE NO OBLIGATION phone consultation on 0438 519 034

Our two clinics

  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach
  • Petersham, Sydney

How do I pay for my deposit

Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12359060

How do I pay for my sessions

Payment can be made as a credit card transaction using Square at the session. All payments have a 1.9% transaction fee. Alternatively, you can bank transfer or bring cash to the session. 

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