Hypnotherapy for Pain Management Central Coast
Do you need Chronic Pain Management relief?
• Have you been injured and experiencing pain?
• Confused why you’re feeling pain?
• Is your pain Psychological?

How can Hypnotherapy help relieve Chronic Pain?
Hypnotherapy for Pain Management Central Coast can be very effective in creating new neural pathways and patterns in the brain to help reduce and eliminate pain in the body. There is ten years of evidence that shows Chronic Pain Management Hypnotherapy treatments are effective for reducing daily pain levels in people with chronic pain.
You too can discover the power of controlling your chronic pain. People have managed to eliminate the chronic pain by using breathing and visualisation exercises. It is just so amazing how this works. To change your chronic pain state, it is necessary to change your thoughts and emotional responses through deep relaxation.
What exactly is Pain Management?
How does Pain Management work?
Here in our Central Coast clinic, chronic pain is considered chronic when it occurs almost every day for long periods. When we have an injury and the pain persists, it’s a good indication that we need some therapy. Such identifiable causes of chronic pain are arthritis, Fibromyalgia, TMJ dysfunction, cancer, diabetes, muscle and joint injury, shingles, etc. It also includes persistent pain that cannot be identified.
Chronic pain at the end of the day is about making the right lifestyle choices and making sure you find the right therapies for the pain. Hypnotherapy is an amazing complementary therapy that works well with other mainstream therapies.
What will Hypnosis do for Pain Management?
Medical imaging studies have shown that hypnotic trance therapy influences all the neurophysiological processes that influence pain. Current scientific research shows that Hypnotherapy treatment can influence tolerance levels.
Science has discovered that thoughts, emotions, and physical movement can affect our bodies. It can either calm down our central nervous system or activate it. By changing the way you think about chronic pain, you can change how you feel about it. When we focus our attention, we can control the pain. Research has shown that our minds are powerful and can rebalance chemical reactions in the body.
The more we can divert our attention, the less likely the signals are to reach the painful area. Hypnotherapy for Pain Management diverts that signal in our pain neural pathways and the fewer pain receptors our nerves create. When having enjoyable experiences, we increase our production of endorphins (neurotransmitters), enabling the pain pathways to clear.
Pain and the brain
The Power of the Mind
Hypnotherapy for Pain Management Central Coast is treatable. Pain is a signal by the brain that informs us that we are doing something harmful to our mind and body. However, when the pain persists, it can become ‘Central Nervous System Sensitisation’.
When someone in pain believes that the pain is a part of their life, the person continues to propagate the pain itself. We begin to feel helpless as it takes over. With Chronic Pain Management Hypnotherapy, reframing our perspectives, and belief systems can help relieve pain.

Pain relating to trauma
Sometimes the origins of our pain can stem from trauma, created from limiting beliefs within the unconscious mind. Chronic Pain Management Hypnotherapy can explore limiting beliefs from genetics (ancestral beliefs), childhood, parental influences, and social programming. With therapy, letting go of limiting beliefs creates new beliefs that resonate with our inner truth. Resentment and attachment to the past can influence our mind and body health.
Once we accept aspects of our lives and the environment around us, we can release energy-blocking parts of our body that hold the pain and illness. Chronic Pain Management offers effective therapies such as energy healing, suggestion therapy, and timeline therapy. NLP and EMDR are also used to break old states and feelings associated with the pain. Reiki Energy Healing is a beautiful complementary therapy that can also be used to heal cells and DNA, assisting the process of recovery.
An effective Complementary Therapy
Hypnotherapy for Pain Management is a powerful Complementary Therapy
Once we make that decision for change, we are then in control of the situation. Once we’re in control, we can find the right therapy. Hypnotherapy for Pain Management Central Coast can be a great complementary therapy with other therapies such as Psychology, Physiotherapy, and drug treatments. A broad range of allied health modalities forms part of the holistic treatment for chronic pain, all of which work well with medical treatment. Clinical trials and MRI studies suggest that Chronic Pain Management Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool that supports the impact of pain. You can incorporate the right treatment tools with the following therapies:
• Nutritional and Naturopathic support to restore important biochemical balance;
• Physical movement and exercise for increasing levels of endurance;
• Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Visceral Manipulation, Trigger Point Massage; and
• Meditation practice and relaxation techniques to calm the mind and the body.
PLEASE NOTE: If you’re using more than one therapy, always consult your doctor first.
Please visit here for more information on Hypnotherapy for Pain