EMDR Therapy Central Coast
This therapy can help dissolve triggers from traumatic experiences.
• Desensitise trauma for peace and calmness.
• Experiencing anxiety, stress, and panic attacks?
• Do you re-live traumatic memories from the past?
• Dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Why is EMDR Therapy used?
EMDR Therapy is used to desensitize trauma, stress, or PTSD that has managed to stay with a person for a long time. This is because the anxiety has not been properly processed at the time of the trauma. When we are traumatized, we don’t always deal with it as it happens, and we push the experience into the unconscious mind for a later date. Just because we wish this trauma away, doesn’t mean it’s gone. The untreated state then becomes a potential threat as a trigger. The unconscious mind creates defense mechanisms for your security and well-being. If untreated, these traumas can become PTSD. Reiki Healing can also help.
How many sessions will you need?
EMDR therapy is an effective way to process and finally overcome negative states when we are triggered in certain situations. When a fear, phobia, PTSD, or anxiety trigger surfaces, it can very negatively affect our lives. EMDR Therapy is roughly about three sessions. The EMDR Therapist can provide relief from the triggers that continue to make you feel unsafe, uncomfortable, and uneasy.
What happens in an EMDR Therapy session?
In our clinic, EMDR Therapy Central Coast is an effective therapy that clears negative emotional states, physiologically and neurologically. An EMDR Therapist places the client into a light hypnotic trance and asks the client to bring the feelings of anxiety, fear, and stress to the surface.
The therapist will know how to bring these states to the surface. Usually, the person starts to feel the feeling of anxiety coming over them. The client is then asked to open their eyes and the practitioner moves their index finger from left to right, up, and down. The client’s eyes follow the movement of the practitioner’s index finger. This processes the trauma using brain functions and desensitizes negative feeling states.
What does EMDR Therapy do for Trauma and PTSD
Awareness Healing will help you process negative memories within the unconscious mind. The fear or anxiety is purposefully retained in the body’s mind because its job is to keep us safe. What the therapy is doing is finally saying to the defense mechanisms, ‘You are safe NOW’.
In EMDR Therapy, you are finally resolving unfinished memories. Think of a child being traumatized and developing PTSD. The child sometimes does not comprehend what happened because he/she may have been too young to understand the circumstances.
When we revisit the feeling state as an adult, we can process the experience with an adult awareness. Adults hold wisdom and mature perspectives, based on truth and safety in the present moment. With repetitious EMDR exercises, the fear disappears, and a feeling of relief is experienced. Reiki Healing can also help with those trauma responses.

EMDR Therapy is helpful for:
• Panic attacks
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Phobias and Fears of spiders, flying, and other issues
• Claustrophobia
• Stress and Fears of the future
• Anxiety
• Childhood Traumas
• Anger Management
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