Life Between Lives Regression Central Coast
Life Between Lives Regression is a journey into the Spiritual Afterlife called Home. Facilitated from the Michael Newton Method
Facilitated in:
Ettalong Beach, Central Coast
• What happens in between incarnations?
• Why am I here? What is my life purpose?
• Understanding relationships and health issues?
• Who is in my soul group?
• How do I resolve Karma?

What does Life Between Lives Regression provides us?
Life Between Lives Regression Central Coast, you will be guided beyond the birth of your current life and journey into the afterlife. You will connect with your immortal soul essence. The afterlife is where we all go when our soul leaves our physical body at death, where our souls dwell between physical lifetimes. In the afterlife, we are connected to our Higher Self and soul groups beyond the physical dimension.
The purpose and outcome of this therapy
The purpose of this therapy is to visit the afterlife between your current life and the life before your present life. The goals and outcomes of this therapy are to explore what happened in your previous life and what has been brought into your current life. The goal is to begin exploring your life purpose, mission, and the reason for choosing your family and body for new experiences. Essentially you begin to evaluate how well you are evolving and understand where you are going through the understanding of Karma.
All people from all cultures, races, and religions can experience this profound connection with their superconscious mind. The Hypnotic trance in the session will open up the connection with your higher self, and reach beyond the conscious everyday mind in our awake state. In ancient traditions, Aboriginal Shamans speak of this world known as the ‘Dreamtime’. This dimension is beyond our five senses and is reached through deep relaxation and trance.
Hypnotherapy is used to tap into what spiritual teachers describe as the higher consciousness or the universal mind. This state brings on a sense of oneness and connectedness with all that is. If our intention for spiritual growth is sincere, these energies will assist our growth and evolution.
Exploring Soul Groups in a Life Between Lives Regression session
In a ‘Life Between Lives Regression’ session, the client will communicate with their spiritual guides, ancestors, and deceased loved ones for guidance. Soul mates, Soul Groups, and Spiritual Elders are also accessed, who exist in a perpetual timeless space in the afterlife. We visit these beings between our earthly incarnations on earth.
Through this exploration, we will explore life’s purpose and a better understanding of our soul contracts with souls within our relationship circles. We can work through our relationships, finding deeper meaning and purpose through the associations with these soul groups. A better understanding of the lessons we are learning with these soul groups allows us to evolve as spiritual beings.
Through ‘Life Between Lives Regression’ on the Central Coast, we can potentially understand why we chose our family lineage. We begin to discover why we’re here and why it was so important to select your family to have this current experience.
Healing the root causes of suffering
When exploring Life Between Lives Regression Central Coast, this therapy can reveal the root causes of all mental and physical issues. When we access the superconscious mind, we by-passing the conscious mental state. Our superconscious mind understands all aspects of our behaviors, beliefs, desires, past, present, and future.
Within the right hemisphere of our brain, this higher self interfaces with this part of our brain. When we develop our creativity within the right hemisphere we better communicate with the Spirit. In the session, ordinary time will be experienced differently feeling like it’s bending. Time in this spiritual realm ceases to exist linearly.

“Know, O man, that Light is thine heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil. Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal, waiting the moment of freedom to conquer, waiting to rend the veil of the night”
– Hermes Trismegistus
What do I experience in a Life Between Lives Regression?
Exploring the womb for healing
The therapist will move back through the timeline of your current life, and finally explore your mother’s womb at conception, usually halfway through the pregnancy.
Life Between Lives Regression explores the womb, which is where we explore any traumas or emotional distress you may have experienced coming from your mother’s emotional state. We will discover concerns the soul may have about being born into the world in your current life. There can be great healing in the womb. An anxiety condition can stem from the womb. The client then moves beyond the womb into the superconscious mind for past life exploration.
Accessing the superconscious soul mind to explore past life
A deeper state of trance is needed to communicate with the higher self. It is important to have a clear intention. Eliciting the feeling state is essential for exploring the correct past life for healing. This is what we call the feeling bridge. This process allows the navigation to a past life to happen much easier. The higher self (Causal body) is where the past lives can be accessed.
When exploring a past life, most people move through a light tunnel and emerge into a past life. The past life is meant to be explored associated, and experienced through the eyes of the past-life personality. The analysis, reflection, and healing are facilitated after the past life personality has passed on through the death point.
The ‘point of death’ in past life regression
After exploring the past life, you will explore the past life’s point of death. Vivid details of how you died are revealed. Sometimes the physical death is so sudden that the soul still believes they are alive and carries the limiting beliefs with them to future lives. Exploring the death scene can shed some important light on current life illnesses, anxieties, and physical pain issues. Once we understand what happened, we can move beyond the point of death and resolve these conditions.
In sudden death, the soul’s consciousness can get trapped in the dead body and linger in this lower astral plane for long periods. So when the soul moves to the other side, it has fragmented parts of itself left in the lower spiritual earthy planes. If there is trauma at the point of death, the client is asked what is needed to resolve the issue before it moves on to the other side. As it collects the fragmented pieces of its soul back to the other side, the soul is integrated back into the Higher Self and healed in the between-lives space.
Soul fragment retrieval
Soul fragmentation is the process when a person in their life experiences great trauma. The person becomes dissociated from their emotions and withdraws from their external world. What happens is that the soul’s energy then leaves the body and returns to the higher self (causal body). The soul’s energy can be taken from us by another person. The idea of this therapy is to call this energy back into the soul’s energy body so it becomes integrated again. This theory is shared by ancient shamanic tribes and societies of the world such as the indigenous Australians, American Indians, and the South American people.
Here is a link to a prayer that will allow the integration of your soul. Click here to download.
Meeting Spirit Guides in Life Between Lives Regression
People always feel profound love when the soul enters into the light after death. Some may describe it as the presence of God. You are always greeted by deceased loved ones or spiritual guides on the other side. Your spirit guide will assist you in the healing process and show you what you need for karmic resolution. Beyond this resolution, we can move on to new lessons and adventures. The higher self is always supportive and holds all your universal experiences. Your higher self is essentially your higher soul.
Our Spirit Guides are beings who have evolved to a point where they no longer reincarnate on Earth anymore. They have chosen to be a Guide to help and assist us here on earth and advance our evolutionary journey to higher planes of existence. Our guides can also be a deceased loved one or an ancient ancestor.
Guides can be called on at any time for help and guidance. One thing that our spirit guides ask is to be grateful for their help and insight. You can have many guides at one given time. Spirit guides can move on as other guides move in to help at different stages of your life. The main thing about guides is that they do not interfere with our journey and will only help when asked. These beings have experienced life as we have and encourage us to empower ourselves without their interference. The universe is a free-will zone. All life throughout the cosmos has a God-given right to be sovereign and free.
Healing on the higher astral plane
When souls enter the light, they pass through the middle astral. Your guides will escort you to a beautiful place for healing. When this healing is completed, you will move to the appropriate plane your energy vibration corresponds with. You will experience deep healing and transmute negative energies accumulated through that incarnation.
On this higher plane are healing temples where souls can recuperate from trauma and create any experience for healing. Souls can stay here for thousands of years. They can be active or inactive. Eventually, the soul reincarnates again to explore and pay back their Karma. The soul continues its journey of evolution exploring other planets, dimensions, and other realities to learn and grow.
The Life Review
The Life Review will be experienced with your spiritual guides. These beings have mastered their abilities to help assist other souls. Here on Earth, the soul can become contaminated and damaged from illness, negativity, and past life experiences. The healing is essentially about reflecting on what you’re here to do. Life reviews are about repairing damaged relationships and resolving Karma. The therapist will read the questions to your Spirit Guides so your guides can answer them. The practitioner will work with your Spirit Guides to help you resolve, clear, and dissolve Karma.
In the healing process, this soul’s energy is transmuted into the body releasing blockages. The life review helps us reflect on what we have learned in the past life. You will be shown many aspects of your multi-dimensional self through the lens of past lives, alternate lives, soul groups, and many other realities. We don’t learn by forgetting or cutting connections with our past, we learn by understanding and observing them.
Libraries of Learning in Life Between Lives Regression
Another place a soul can visit in ‘Between Lives Spiritual Regression’ is in the higher planes. This is where you will visit schools and libraries for higher learning. Think of this place as a university of learning where the student is theoretically trained without practical experience. It’s a place where souls are inspired to explore other realities of learning in the lower physical dimensions. We don’t understand what it’s all about until we do the practical hands-on work in the physical incarnations.
In these libraries, guardians will show the soul any subject matter, history of the universe, or any other information the soul is seeking. In these libraries, there are rooms where the soul is seated in the center. The soul can ask questions, and the room will project information all around you for the soul to study. Past lives, future lives, and other dimensions are displayed for the soul to learn.
Primary and Secondary Soul Groups
Soul Groups are beings we are familiar with on the other side. Some will be from the Earth and some from distant planets, galaxies, and other dimensions. We reincarnate with these souls as family, friends, or acquaintances in our earthly life. You may discover you have soul agreements with these souls to learn deeper lessons. Ego and separation can sometimes make it difficult to understand our lessons.
When meeting your soul groups, you will re-discover the lessons you’re here to learn. You will discover how well you are doing in this process of learning. You can explore your influence on your soul groups, life’s mission, and relationships with them. You will also learn what level of consciousness you have developed and what you haven’t discovered yet. It’s nice to know we can see the bigger picture. What might appear bad to us could be a valuable lesson of learning.
Who is in my Soul Family
Your Soul family incarnates as our families, races, close friendships, and life partners. We incarnate as different roles, cultures, and genders within these soul groups to learn lessons from various perspectives. Soul groups can also stay within a family lineage on Earth, providing closeness to other members in the same soul group. Other outside soul groups can interact offering more challenging experiences. Soul groups have colours, vibrations, sounds, and names.
We can also communicate with galactic soul groups with beings from other planets, star systems, and civilizations from the 6th and 7th dimensions. Some people experience being a light body and having never incarnated on this planet before. You may even come straight from source energy as a young soul who has never lived in a human body before. The universe is an expansive place.
Visiting Spiritual Elders
(The Wise Ones)
Your Spirit Guides will escort you to the Elders. The Spiritual Elders are highly evolved spiritual beings. These beings are referred to as the Ascended Masters or our Soul Ancestors. These souls have dealt with their Karma and exist in the higher planes of existence. These beings have experienced thousands of lives and evolved to a very high level. They have mastered being alive and do not need to reincarnate anymore. Spirit Elders have become of service to others and are helping other spiritual beings to evolve.
Your Spiritual Elders will give you valuable advice on your spiritual progress and multi-dimensional self. The therapist is asked the Spiritual Elders the questions the client has written down. They will help you understand why you’re here, your life purpose, and how to resolve karmic issues and contracts with your soul groups.
Contracts with other souls
Soul contracts are agreements we have made with other members of our soul groups before we came into our earthly incarnations. We enter this world acting out the roles we agreed to participate in with different characters. What we learn from each other is set up in the spiritual realm so we can teach one another. The aim is to gain a new perspective on how others feel and experience the world and gain deeper compassion for others.
Spiritual Elders will help you evaluate the contracts with your Soul Groups. They will help you work out if you need to change your contracts with Soul Family. By understanding the lessons these contracts encourage, you can discover if the contract is completed or needs to be honored and kept in place. The Elders know you may need to complete Karmic contracts with other souls because you have not learned the lessons yet.
The purpose of soul contracts
Life Between Lives Regression allows us to explore our soul contracts. Soul contracts are agreements we have made with other members of our soul groups before we came into our earthly incarnations. We enter this world acting out the roles we agreed to participate in with different characters. What we learn from each other is set up in the spiritual realm so we can teach one another. The aim is to gain a new perspective on how others feel and develop deeper compassion for others.
Contracts aren’t always completed. Sometimes people are still working through contracts with family and friends. We complete our contracts with our soul family when the lessons we planned before incarnation are learned. This allows us to move forward for new and exciting endeavors. Completing contracts is not about cutting ties with someone, it’s about learning the hard lessons. It’s a lesson, not a punishment.
How we enrich our relationships
Life Between Lives Regression can reveal the importance of relationships. Completing contracts can strengthen a relationship, not end it. In the spiritual domain, the friendships with our soul groups differ from the relationships on Earth. When we incarnate into a personality on earth, we take on characteristics, personality, ego, and challenges of our physical incarnation.
Spiritual growth and evolution is about overcoming the difficulties of the third dimension. We are here on Earth to Conquer fear and master the hardship of being human. Spiritual growth is about bridging the higher spirit into the human experience and integrating the wisdom of the spirit into the personality of the human counterpart.
Life Between Lives Regression and the detachment of suffering
Contracts aren’t always completed. Sometimes people are still working through contracts with family and friends. Buddhist philosophers speak of the ‘Wheel of life’. They mention that we can become attached to Earthly pleasures. We incarnate over and over to purge our attachments creating deep suffering and craving. We know the universe is always changing and evolving. Human beings must learn to flow with the ever-changing flow of life to eliminate this suffering. The universe flows with inevitable change because things never stay fixed. Quantum Physics contemplates these principles as the true nature of our universal reality.
Beware of the Wheel of Suffering. The dark side is that some souls wish to take advantage of other souls. Who vampire our energy for their selfish purposes. These beings live off our fear and if we succumb to their fear tactics, we are destined to repeat the cycle of reincarnation. Sometimes we’re not aware that we can move on at any time. Once we dissolve fear, we can release from our limitations and evolve. As we grow, we move beyond the matrix of the reincarnation cycle.
Selecting your current life body
You will explore the many potential bodies you contemplated choosing before your current life incarnation. Usually, the selection is described differently by different people. Most people see around three potential bodies to select, but there can be more.
When exploring other bodies for reincarnation, you will discover why you chose your current body. You have chosen a particular culture, family, or status for a reason. The body you chose had characteristics that you needed for growth and development. The bodies you didn’t select may shed some light on how purposeful the choice of your current life body is. It provides an understanding of what you need to learn and the challenges you’re willing to work on in your current life.
Mastering the human experience through Life Between Lives Regression
Sometimes we can find it hard to master the social status we’re born into. Our challenges in life exist because of the family we choose, and the culture and traditions we are born into. Once we rediscover the choice of our current body, we begin to see that our life has deeper meaning and purpose. Your higher self has a deeper intention to learn something specific. Life Between Lives Regression helps us explore our soul ancestors who are always there to guide and assist with the right selection. The soul ancestors can only suggest and can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.
The Life Between Lives Regression experience is about free will, just like here on Earth. It’s about realizing that your life isn’t some random course of events and it’s a planned process for learning. Not all life events are planned out. Some of our life events are sometimes random occurrences created by our choices. Quantum Physics postulates, that our reality is created by our ability to choose. What our consciousness focuses on gives birth to endless potential possibilities. This brings us to this conclusion; the future is not set in stone and our path can be directed into many potential realities.
The training for this therapy was facilitated through Inner Fulfillment.