Self Esteem and Confidence

Self Esteem and Confidence

Hypnotherapy for Self Esteem Central Coast

Are you experiencing low self-esteem and confidence?

• Lacking self esteem?
• Experiencing anxiety when public speaking?
• Do you hold limiting beliefs from childhood?
• Have you been abandoned as a child?

0438 519 034

Self Esteem and Confidence

Do you have low self-esteem and lack confidence in yourself?

Hypnotherapy for Self-esteem and Confidence on the Central Coast and Sydney is an effective way to deal with Self-identity issues. Self-esteem and Confidence are something we have all had to deal with in our lives. Our feelings, emotions, and self-belief systems were developed in our younger developmental years, which may have hindered our ability to have healthy relationships.

Our ancestral lineage can also influence how we see ourselves, holding belief systems within our cellular memory. Sometimes we experience confidence issues when we are confronted with public speaking, relationship challenges, career development, socializing, and many other activities that require healthy esteem and confidence.

We may have experienced a trauma or a belief that was formed in our early formative years as a young person. As we get older, these beliefs can become deeply ingrained through re-enforcement within our unconscious mind. These beliefs become so deeply rooted within us that it becomes our behaviour subconsciously, feeling states, and our self-identity. By accessing the unconscious mind, we can shift how we see ourselves, develop our authenticity, and see the world around us in a new and safe way.

How does hypnotherapy for self esteem and confidence work?

Within our deep inner mind, we have a voice that can dictate how we see ourselves, even though our limiting beliefs were created from an outside source. These beliefs are not necessarily the truth but can run our lives. Consciously, we know these beliefs are untrue and irrational, but the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between one specific thing and another.

We create a ‘Meta world map’ of beliefs of ourselves developed from our past experiences. The unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between a limiting belief and a healthier one. All it honors is that you are safe and comfortable, even when avoidance keeps you safe.

Self Esteem and Confidence and the unconscious mind

The idea is to speak to the unconscious mind and offer new ways to see, feel, hear, and experience the world. We all create our own inner beliefs sometimes from external sources to feel loved, accepted, and validated by others. The limiting states we can experience operate from the past self, rather than the adult present self. The healing process is about hearing the voice of the part of us that is conflicted or confused, allowing the present adult self to reframe the experience with a new perspective. The past self integrates into the present adult self when conflicts are resolved.

We are not our thoughts. Our thoughts can affect us without us even knowing. This is why we should develop deeper awareness for positive change. When we become aware of our thoughts, we can finally choose to change the way we feel about them. Through Hypnotherapy for self-esteem and Confidence, we can learn to choose what we consciously want to focus on, enabling a person to choose the state they want to experience. We break one state of beliefs and overlap it with something based on our present ‘truth’.

Self Esteem and Confidence and the outer illusory world

The voice inside of us can be influenced by outside judgment and criticism and can affect our authentic inner voice. We make comparisons of ourselves to others. Healthy esteem will converse with our inner authenticity without the interference of other outside influences. This provides us with improvements to self-empowerment and emotional freedom. The trick is to explore this inner self and honor its desire to express itself individually.

A person with healthy self-esteem will always accept things about themselves that they can’t change. The will to change things with care and affection can create a positive attitude toward living. Old beliefs can be reframed allowing emotional freedom, giving us the choices to feel a sense of freedom from old beliefs and limiting patterns of behaviour.

Self Esteem and Confidence is creating new Self identity

Through the process of relaxation, suggestion therapy, visualization, and hypnotic introspection, we can sit with our inner limiting beliefs and feelings. This therapy is also about energy work. So, when we move through our feeling states in trance work, we will anchor these new beliefs and feelings into the body. The unconscious mind recognizes symbols, colours, and pictures so when we anchor, we anchor these states permanently. Change needs to be felt deeply in the body for permanent change. The body is our remembering faculty. The mind alone is not enough.

After these anchors are established, new states should be repetitively elicited after the session. The more you elicit these states, the old neurotransmitters start to break down, and new ways to feel begin to establish within the brain. In short, it’s about breaking old habitual behavior and replacing it with new beliefs, feelings, and states.

Hypnotherapy for Self-esteem and Confidence Central Coast can help you develop your unique self-identity safely and securely with the practitioner. Once we feel safe, we can explore, dissolve negativity, and transform deep programming into authentic truth. This work is all about inner self-recovery rather than discovery. It’s been there all along.

Self Esteem and Confidence through Public speaking

When public speaking, can be very nerve-racking sometimes. When anxiety is experienced in public speaking, it can affect our ability to think clearly and convince the audience what we are presenting to them. Often it can be associated with a past trauma, or it may not be something we are good at.

Hypnotherapy can be effective in processing trauma, allowing the defense mechanisms that protect us from potential threats to be desensitized. In our present moment, a threat isn’t evident anymore. We can help you overcome these issues when public speaking.

Confidence is about showing the unconscious mind that what you are doing is not a threat to your survival. Once we test ourselves repetitively, and discover that the threat isn’t there, the part of us that feels anxiety disappears.

Healing the Inner Child Hypnotherapy

Self Esteem and Confidence

Healing the Inner Child hypnotherapy is offered at our Central Coast and Sydney clinics. A child can experience great trauma from childhood and triggers can happen at any time. Post-traumatic stress can develop over many years. Hypnotherapy using trance and regression therapy is used to promote the maturity of the child within.

Through the therapy, you will access states the child may have experienced, allowing the change of negative patterns and clearing emotional blockages. You will be able to release deep anger, resentment, rage, guilt, and painful wounds that sit deep within your unconscious mind.

Please visit here for information about self-esteem.

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CALL NOW for a FREE NO OBLIGATION phone consultation on 0438 519 034

Our two clinics

  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach
  • Petersham, Sydney

How do I pay for my deposit

Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12359060

How do I pay for my sessions

Payment can be made as a credit card transaction using Square at the session. All payments have a 1.9% transaction fee. Alternatively, you can bank transfer or bring cash to the session. 

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