Healing the Inner Child… Three Month Package

Hello Beautiful Shining Miracles,

Awareness Healing would like to offer a THREE-MONTH package for Healing the Inner Child Hypnotherapy. This healing work is for people who have experienced Trauma as children or young adults.

The therapy is offered over 3 months for $750

The Therapy is facilitated once a month for 3 hours per session. This means you only pay $63 per session. It’s a bargain. Now the reason why this is offered this way is because the cost of living has made it harder for people to seek help. We ALL want to live a fuller life, that’s for sure.

Healing the Inner Child will be broken down as follows:

Session One: Consultation, Exploring the child’s beliefs, and Hypnotherapy testing.
Session Two: Exploring the Child’s Initial Trauma and Nurturing the Child.
Session Three: Playing with the Child and Future Pacing for Maturity.

There is a particular mechanics for Healing the Inner Child. I’ve processed this therapy, and it does work very well. Healing the Trauma doesn’t take a day, it takes some time. This is why the therapy is spread out over three months for maximum effectiveness.

Between each session

You will be given homework and Self-Helf exercises between your sessions. As long as you follow the tasks, you can notice great change taking place.

For more information on how this works, please visit Healing the Inner Child.

Warmest Blessings,
Dean at Awareness Healing

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  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach

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Payment can be made as a credit card transaction using Square at the session. All payments have a 1.9% transaction fee. Alternatively, you can bank transfer or bring cash to the session. 

Where to pay your cancellation fee

Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12522967

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