Reiki Healing is about Intuition. Energy Healers Truth.

Energy Healing or Reiki Healing is about understanding and picking up on subtle signals when the five senses are reduced. What we call the 6th sense is a subtle sense that we can all develop over time. It just takes practice.

Reiki means lifeforce energy. It describes that the body requires this energy for vitality. All living beings have this divine energy. Sometimes, if we don’t water a garden our plants will perish. If we don’t nurture our children, they are left astray. Reiki is the energy and attention we need to give to ourselves daily.

Intuition is the very process we tap into when all five senses have failed us. When I say ‘failed’, we sometimes contaminate the truth with the ego and intellectual mind that sometimes distorts what we are picking up within our being. Intuition is something we all possess and we use this gift to navigate the world we live in. Sometimes we just know something and we don’t know why. Trust it!

Just like Energy Healers, feeling into the body with your hands can bring awareness to something that is hidden within the energy field of your body. Because our hands have meridian centers in the center of them, the hands can feel intuitively into our environment. Our hands are like antennas.

For more information on how this works, Reiki sessions can be facilitated for 60 or 90-minute sessions. I will help you tap into your intuition.

Warmest Blessings,

Dean at Awareness Healing

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  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach

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Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12522967

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