Reiki Therapy and its healing properties

Reiki Healing is an alternative healing modality that promotes inner bio-energetic healing of the physical, emotional, mental, and causal body

Energy Healers ponder the mystery of energy and how it works. I’ve spent years learning to harness energy not only in my own body but also the energy of the environment and the earth. It does take time to feel these subtle energies but once you can sense them, it can be profound. When you start to sense these energies, you can always sense if the energies are of a high or lower vibration.

When starting the journey to become an energy healer, feeling into your body first is a good start. If you can lie down, just breathe into every part of your body and pay attention to the feelings. Start to feel each part of the body and notice the qualities of the feelings. Usually after a while, you may notice there are traumas stored there. One way to heal them is to pretend you are having a dialogue with the feelings. The part of you that is speaking to these stored emotions is what we would call the higher self. When doing this, always have your hands on that part of the body. Reiki is about using the nads to attend to that part of the body.

Once you do this daily, you will notice that the part trapped in the body begins to release as the higher self in its omnipresent state reframes the state into the present state of well-being. Being repetitive over 21 days, you will notice the change in your body’s frequencies and a state of well-being.

Give this a go and you will see some change. Drop me a comment when you start the journey. I am here to assist.

Please visit Reiki Healing for more information.

You can explore more of this beautiful therapy by visiting…

If you want to know more about Reiki Healing therapy, please don’t hesitate to call us. I am here to explain the process. For a FREE no-obligation 15-minute phone consultation, please call us on 0438 519 034. Alternatively, you can email us…

Looking forward to exploring with you.

Dean at Awareness Healing

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  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach

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Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
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