Past Life Regression Central Coast
Past Life Regression is facilitated by the ‘Brian Weiss’ and ‘Michael Newton’ Method.
• Is there life after death and beyond?
• Why am I repeating the same cycles of suffering?
• What is my Karma and how do I resolve it?
• Repeating the same unconscious patterns?

the process
What happens in Past Life Regression?
Past Life Regression Central Coast. We are beautiful, powerful, eternal spiritual beings who have courageously decided to have incarnations on many dimensions to grow, expand, and evolve as a spiritual being. Past Life Regression on the Central Coast involves the use of hypnotherapy and trance to explore recognized patterns in our current life. Past Life Regression Central Coast will help you explore the causes of your patterns that originate from your past lives.
Past Life Regression Central Coast will take you to the cause of your patterns, directly to the past life from where you created the conditioning. The aim of the past life exploration is to understand; what happened, how it relates to your current conditions, and resolve your Karma through the eyes of your current life self.

The benefits of Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression Central Coast can eliminate fears, deep phobias, and blockages that we have carried with us from past lives into our current life. This therapy can heal symptoms of pain, and provide insights into patterns we repeatedly experience in our current life relationships. This therapy can also advance our spiritual growth allowing us to evolve beyond the physical planes of existence. The benefit of this therapy is to resolve Karma, make peace with the past, and forgive others and ourselves of past experiences.
What happens in a Past Life Regression?
Past Life Regression Central Coast is about the exploration of multiple lifetimes. We incarnate many dimensions and realities to understand where our limitations, karma, and soul characteristics originate from. When we re-incarnate, we enter back through the light of the absolute. This is where the ‘Wheel of Karmic Expansion’ links us back into this physical earthly dimension to purify our soul.
Consider the earthly dimension as a place of learning for the spirit. The soul has fallen into this dimension from the higher spiritual dimensions. I like to think of Earth as a boot camp school. We have all come from a spiritual life between human incarnations. We have fallen back down into the earthly denser dimension to experience growth.
Purification of the soul
We move through these reincarnation cycles to clear, learn, and purify our energetic souls. We strive for a moderate spiritual existence rather than an indulgent one. Once we release from attachment, we can move back to the higher planes beyond the light into higher dimensions.
Some ancient schools of thought believe that after the soul has purified itself, it explores higher dimensions beyond the light. Some souls transcend the physical plane but still choose to reincarnate on the earthly plane to assist others in their soul’s evolution. Souls can experience many lives on this planet and other multi-dimensional realities to perfect themselves. As each soul reincarnates, the process of purification takes place.
For the soul to truly understand all aspects of life, it needs to incarnate as different races, cultures, and genders. Reincarnation allows us to understand shared perspectives with other souls. We begin to see that it isn’t about karmic punishment, but rather about learning to feel what others are feeling as we evolve with the universe.
A white soul in a white room
What most spiritual healers have pondered for centuries is why ‘we’ as souls even bother coming into the physical plane. God said, “Go my children, and explore and bring it all back to me”. As we move through the universe to experience and learn, on the other side, we don’t have much to contrast or compare to. The soul doesn’t understand the large gamut of emotions and experiences we humans experience.
The soul needs to have first-hand experience in the physical incarnations to truly understand the duality of all that is. Here is an analogy for you to think about. Imagine on the other side, the Higher Self is a white soul, and it exists in a white space. Being a white soul, would it know itself in this white room? It probably wouldn’t.
The soul can’t know itself as it has nothing to contrast to. Consider your human life as a full mirrored reflection, mirroring emotions, colours, and experiences back to the soul. The human experience is where we truly expand and grow. So take full advantage of it and enjoy it.
Beyond the light
Beyond the light, we can move out of the ‘Wheel of Karmic Expansion’ and join the unconditioned reality of our ‘Prime Creator’. When escaping the Wheel of Re-incarnation, souls may transition into ‘service to others’, or the soul may become an inactive soul and decide to return to the ‘Godhead’.
Some souls release themselves from the ‘Wheel of Karmic Expansion’ and exist in the higher spiritual planes and assist souls on the earth. They call these souls ‘Spirit Guides’ who might assist family, soul groups, or ancestors who are having a challenging time on the earthly plane.
Karma through cause and effect
Past Life Regression Central Coast, we will look at the laws of cause and effect. Karma is not about punishment like the religions of the world have led us to believe. Karma is about the process of learning, evolving, and responsibly living out the consequences of our actions.
The Hermetic and esoteric principle of cause-and-effect of natural law postulates that what we put in we always get back. There is an effect from every cause. Quantum Physics postulates that there are infinite potentials and what we choose influences our environmental reality.
Past Life Regression and alternative realities
We are only aware of the incarnation we are living in now. As human beings, we experience with our five senses and can only focus through these senses. This makes it hard to know all realities. DMT, meditation, and reflection can open this ‘sixth sense’ part of us, enabling us to see other realities. As quantum physics explains, we create our reality when we focus our awareness on every present moment.
We can only create one reality in the present moment. This is why we can only experience one path of reality at a time through the tunneled vision of our senses. By integrating the multiverse, we have more choices and, in the end, manifest that better choice now in the present.
Past Life Regression and parallel universes
Past Life Regression Central Coast will help you manifest a better life for yourself. Infinite parallel universes are spaces created from the choices we make that we have not followed through yet. We are like actors in a play and our friends and family are other actors in our play.
Creativity within our mind manifests these choices and decisions that determine our lives. When we make a choice, we create a new pathway for our life experience. Our choices create parallel versions of ourselves in infinite paths, forking out into other realities.
We can only focus on the decisions we make in the present moment. It’s about taking responsibility for our actions. Once this realization is acknowledged, we can then clear the consequences of our actions (karmic activity). Our multidimensional self exists in parallel realities. The question is, “Are we integrating all these alternative realities to best evolve, create, and manifest our desired current reality”?
Our soul’s mission
When we reincarnate, we come into our lives with a plan, a mission, or specifically to learn a particular lesson. We sometimes share this plan or mission with our soul groups. However, some plans do not unfold because the plan may conflict with other people’s plans. Our plan is always influenced by free will and the choices we make.
Sometimes we may want to support loved ones, and because of this, the plans we came here to unfold may be slightly altered. As we live our lives, sometimes we make other choices that alter the plan we came here to explore. But it doesn’t mean we haven’t learned anything; it just means that we have discovered something about ourselves that we didn’t know previously.
“The love you withhold is the pain that you carry,
lifetime after lifetime”
– Alex Collier
What happens after the past life regression is explored
Spirit Guides or Deceased Loved Ones
When we pass on, we are always greeted by spirit guides or deceased loved ones. We are never alone on the other side. When we pass on, most people experience seeing the most beautiful bright light. Within this light, people feel this profound presence of God, with loving energy so powerful that most people cannot describe it in words.
Soul Fragmentation Retrieval in Past Life Regression
Soul fragmentation occurs when a person in their life experiences great trauma. The person then becomes dissociated from their emotions and withdraws from their external world. What happens is that the soul’s energy then leaves the body and returns to the higher self (causal body). The soul’s energy can be taken by another person or left in the environment it was in during the traumatic event.
The idea of this therapy is to integrate this energy back into the soul’s energy field to become whole again. This theory is shared by ancient shamanic societies of the indigenous Australians, American Indians, and the South American people.
Here is a link to a prayer that will allow the soul integration to take place. Click here to download.
The Life Review in Past Life Regression
When we enter the spiritual realm after death, we are greeted by our spirit guides. Spirit guides can be deceased loved ones, ancestors, or soul families. These guides have been assigned to assist you at birth. Some guides move on as other Spirit Guides move in to help. New guides step in depending on the level of complexity you’re dealing with at any given stage of your life. Guides can be experts in a particular field of your life. We can have up to four guides at any given time.
We all experience a ‘Life Review’ when we are greeted by our Spirit Guides. The purpose of the Life Review is to understand how our actions have affected others in the life we just lived. Allowing us to feel what other people have felt and developing our ability to feel compassion.
Your Spiritual Guides will help you discover aspects of your life, so you can better understand the lessons you set out to learn in an incarnation. When this review is processed, the soul will move to a place of healing. This place is called the ‘Higher Astral’. In this plane, you will heal your contaminated soul from the physical plane. On this plane, there are magnificent libraries and universities where souls can learn about absolutely anything we dream about learning.
Contracts with other souls
Before we incarnate on the other side, we select the body and family we incarnate in. Most circumstances are planned on the other side, but our lives can be altered by choices and activities in the incarnate life. Sometimes we re-incarnated with the same souls and family groups because we haven’t learned the lessons we set out to learn. The learning happens in physical life through hands-on experience.
We can accumulate karma throughout our lives and often need to repeat the same lessons. The next time you incarnate, you may be a completely different person. In your past life, you may have been the son or a father. In the next life, the roles may be reversed. It’s about understanding different perspectives, incarnating as different sexes, races, and cultures in different societies.
We all have contracts with souls for the benefit of learning from each other. When we incarnate with a soul, sometimes the other soul may not be getting the lesson you have already learned. If this is the case, contracts can be completed with that soul, and you can move forward to other lessons.
The lessons of Karma are always resolved in the physical dimensions as an incarnate. So, resolving your karma now is very important so you can move forward and spiritually evolve. We don’t want to spin the wheel of karma for eternity over the same lesson. We all eventually evolve and return to the creator. Yet some souls take a little longer. Once we raise our awareness and vibration, we tune into higher dimensional realities and interact with beings that collectively share those spaces.
Planning a life on the other side
Before an incarnation, our soul will plan some of the activities of that life. The spirit guide will give the soul the best advice for spiritual expansion. The soul always desires to learn something it hasn’t quite explored yet. The Guides will advise what is beneficial for growth and what isn’t valuable for you. The soul holds divine virtues and lessons it wishes to learn and explore. These virtues could be compassion, love, service to others, and empathy. Depending on what family genetics the incarnation holds, the soul is challenged by its selected human characteristics. The soul is challenged to overcome the human experience and master the virtue itself. This is the great challenge we face as human beings.
Unforeseen events in our lives
A soul may anticipate an accident where they may be physically harmed in a lifetime. The challenge for the person is to learn how to overcome the experiences. The setup is profound because it’s a lifelong training that cannot be done on the other side. In this physical dimension, we can learn these lessons very quickly. Most accidents, major events, and deep connections with others in our lives are anticipated, but not all things that happen to us are planned.
Most things that happen to us manifest out of free will and the choices we make along our path. Due to the genetic and ancestral probabilities, the rest of the life is predetermined before birth. This happens because the probability of this happening is high.
The process of planning is about setting up a game plan so the soul can learn. But what about when you’re in the incarnation? Why would I set something up to experience pain and suffering? The answer is that you didn’t plan it, you just chose the probability of it happening.
The exit plan
Some souls have planned their exit plan from the physical incarnation in the afterlife. It is quite strange but a person who has experienced a drug overdose may have planned this exit from their incarnation. It’s not the overdose that was planned, it’s the overcoming of the death that was planned to encourage strength and growth.
The point of death of an incarnation can be planned so the person can avoid unnecessary pain. The soul may have completed their mission. However, not all deaths and circumstances are planned. Because we live in a free-will universe, the choices that we make can influence the events in our lives. All our choices collectively can alter the course of time and our individual lives. Essentially, our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours will affect not only our own lives but other people’s lives.
Forgiveness and Letting Go in Past Life Regression
Some things that happen to us in our lives can be very painful. If someone has committed a heinous crime against you, the learning of forgiveness can be the lesson itself.
The suffering we inflict on others can be set up on the other side to promote spiritual expansion. But what happens once this is done? Do we still carry the resentment with us? Yes, sometimes we do. The lesson is to forgive others who have harmed us.
When we carry resentment, this baggage needs to be resolved and released in the current life. If we carry these resentments, we are bound by the ‘Laws of Karma and Attraction’ to repeat these same lessons. So the quicker we learn and forgive, we can move on to other lessons and higher planes of awareness. Souls who come to earth are considered brave, strong, and powerful spiritual beings. So own that power, you’re amazing.
Here is where you can purchase the book ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’ from Brian Weiss.