Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Depression Central Coast

Are you experiencing anxiety and depression?

• Have you been anxious about a relationship breakup?
• Feeling depressed about unfulfilled expectations?
• Are you feeling depressed in your marriage?
• Are you feeling stressed and uneasy?


0438 519 034

Anxiety and Depression

Are you suffering from Anxiety and Depression?

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Depression  Central Coast and Sydney is an effective way to deal with the root causes of anxiety. Anxiety and Depression are a part of who we are as humans. But in some cases, it can become an extreme matter that interferes with how we live our lives. Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Depression at our Central Coast and Sydney clinics helps patients access the power of the mind to improve the way they think and feel about their lives, internally and externally.

Anxiety and Depression are influenced by our thoughts which manifest as emotional states. The human body can then express this anxiety as a disease. Whether the actual situation at hand is a good or bad one, anxiety, and depression can hinder the way we respond and cope in our lives. How we think about challenging situations reflects how we deal with them emotionally.

What happens when we get anxious?

Hypnotherapy and NLP can calm the mind by introducing positive suggestions and providing support, calmness, and strategies for the mind. This practice of hypnosis is a powerful method for creating a brighter focus in the present moment. Usually, anxiety is associated with the discomfort of a potential threat or the anticipation of our uncertain future.

In Hypnosis, you will learn to resolve these feelings of uncertainty, access inner wisdom, and discover that the potential threat is no longer there. These beliefs of uncertainty may come from the past and can easily be reframed so the present is filled with comfort, acceptance, and harmony.

The more you practice generating positive patterns of thinking, you will experience an improvement in mood. Neurotransmitters in the brain are activated when a trigger sets off the survival part of our brain. When anxious, we may excessively sweat, our heart rate increases, and we release stress hormones in our body.

When we relax; our mental, emotional, and physiological functions change. To eliminate anxiety, we need to use the higher mind (neo-cortex) to problem-solve situations of stress. When we relax, our body will be able to embrace natural chemicals that feel good. If you can learn how to switch off the “fight or flight” response in the ‘R complex’ of the brain, you can access a relaxed state that allows for recuperation.

Why am I experiencing anxiety and depression?

If you’re experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD, you don’t have to deal with it alone. The therapist will create a treatment plan for change. Therapy is never easy but building rapport with the therapist will develop a comfortable space for your therapy.

Sometimes the things that happen to us can make us feel our survival is threatened. The effects of anxiety can last a long time, creating distress in the mind and body. This can interrupt our ability to enjoy life, develop valuable relationships, and disrupt our lives.

Relationship, divorce and separation anxiety

Sometimes we experience anxiety and depression when we’re having issues within a relationship. It may be about a breakup, a divorce, or a very traumatic separation. Marriage issues before or after a separation can also activate triggers of uncertainty and anxiety.

Whether you live on the Central Coast or in Sydney, depression can be experienced when a marriage does not meet the expectations we have about marriage. Some people experience emotional abuse, physical abuse, and domestic violence. We can help you overcome these issues with gentle hypnotherapy to desensitise the trauma. So you can feel renewed and empowered to move forward with positivity and calmness.

Everyone is aware of how it feels to be nervous, anxious, or depressed. Whether it’s a job interview, a test, or a date, we’ve all experienced this emotion in some way or another. Perhaps you have experienced childhood trauma or lacking motivation. Whatever the reason, anxiety and depression should not be excessive or consistent, nor should it hold you back from enjoying your life. You should be able to do all the things you enjoy doing without anxiety interfering with your relationships and interactions with others.

Hypnosis for Anxiety and Depression is helpful for:

Confidence and Self-esteem
Money and career loss
Financial worries
Grief and Loss
Anger and rage issues
Relationship break-up anxiety
Divorce and separation anxiety
Marriage Depression
Trauma from family dynamics
Childhood trauma
Phobias and Fears
Uncertainties of the future

Hypnotherapy for Depression

Hypnotherapy for Depression Central Coast and Sydney is a great place to start your journey to freedom. Depression is often a reaction to a distressing or traumatic event. People and situations that are associated with traumatic events are referred to as traumatic triggers.

Is Depression bringing you down and stopping you from achieving your goals?

Depression can be experienced as a post-traumatic feeling after a traumatic event. For example, we may feel depressed after loved ones have passed over. After a loved one passes on, there may be unforeseen responsibilities you have to deal with. All these things can become traumatic triggers. If you lose a loved one and don’t have time to grieve properly, depression may set in almost immediately.

You can experience Depression from losing a job, monetary loss, divorce, or a home foreclosure. When depression kicks in, it’s normally because we are not getting what we want, and our plans have not turned out the way we expected them to.

Hypnotherapy for Depression in Central Coast and Sydney can help us feel productive about what we can change and accepting of what we can’t change. Depression can manifest when our expectations in life have not been met, expectations of a partner, friend, or family member. These expectations can also be a deep hope of landing a dream job. or an existential hope of reaching a level of spiritual development that hasn’t been reached.

We sometimes give up when these expectations haven’t been met. We lose hope that these expectations will ever come to fruition. In this therapy, we will look at ways of aiming for realistic goals that compliment our true authentic selves. You will discover strategies that will make things work for you so you can reach your goals.

Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

I can’t get out of bed. Lack of passion for life.
Pains in the body. Worried about illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, and diabetes?
Over-eating, drinking Alcohol, and Smoking.
Can’t sleep at night and exhausted during the day.
Emotional outbreaks to extreme emotional numbness.

Healing the Inner Child Hypnotherapy

Healing the Inner Child Hypnotherapy is offered at Central Coast and Sydney. It’s hard to function when we get triggered in our everyday life. Trauma can develop from Childhood and if untreated can cause Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Hypnotherapy is very helpful for resolving confusion within the mind of the child.

As we explore inner child healing, we will access child-like thoughts and feelings developed in your younger years. The therapist will help you release deep anger, rage, resentment, guilt, and painful wounds that exist deep in your unconscious mind.

Please visit here for more information on Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

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CALL NOW for a FREE NO OBLIGATION phone consultation on 0438 519 034

Our two clinics

  • 46 Bangalow Street, Ettalong Beach
  • Petersham, Sydney

How do I pay for my deposit

Name: Dean Galati
Bank: Bank Australia
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12359060

How do I pay for my sessions

Payment can be made as a credit card transaction using Square at the session. All payments have a 1.9% transaction fee. Alternatively, you can bank transfer or bring cash to the session. 

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